Impala blog 23 September 2024 1 min read

Golden Poolside Goss With Marawa ✨

Golden Poolside Goss With Marawa ✨
When it comes to glamour, nobody does it quite like Marawa the Amazing! Marawa shares her golden poolside goss below in a lightning round of questions to reveal a little more about all things GOLD.
Why gold?
It's glamour, it's an olympic year, it's a mirror finish - these are THE MOST exquisite skates!

Dream outfit to pair with these skates—anything goes!
Exactly- anything goes, gold will elevate any outfit so you have infinite options here, just don't expect to go unnoticed!

Dream skater (dead or alive) you’d love to see rock these skates?
Prince. Your favourite skater's favourite skater. I know he would have had fun in these!